Friday, May 22, 2015

LPL Series of the Day: OMG vs. VG Day 1

By: Jujubez

Perhaps the most exciting series of the day was the last one between OMG and Vici Gaming. Coming into the series both teams had their own set of unique challenges to face.

OMG has very recently changed their roster, swapping out Gogoing in the top lane, Loveling in the jungle, and Cloud on support for the likes of Xiyang top, JueJue jungle, and Amazing on support. 

In game one, the new roster changes seemed to be a non-factor as OMG systematically dismantled Vici Gaming in 29 minutes. Capitalizing off of early mistakes by Dandy and Carry, OMG were able to get three kills onto Uzi's Sivir by the 8 minute mark. Cool's Azir play in the mid lane was also on point as he was able to keep pressure on HeTong's Cassiopeia, restricting HeTong's ability to keep up with OMG's rotations.

JueJue seemed quite comfortable on Gragas, pulling off multiple ganks and creating immense amounts of pressure. Meanwhile, his counterpart Dandy desperately tried to counter jungle in an attempt to keep up with JueJue.

This early lead allowed OMG to snowball the game, taking objectives as they pleased. OMG's victory would have been near perfect if it weren't for Dandy's baron steal at 23 minutes.

In game two, Vici Gaming took a page out of OMG's book and had acquired their own three kill lead at 8 minutes. Unlike OMG they weren't able to turn their early advantage into a quick win and a couple lost skirmishes kept OMG in the game. After a hard fought close battle, they were able to triumph over OMG in 39 minutes.

This time around, Vici was able to shut down JueJue's Nidalee, killing him three times while he tried in vain to pounce in to take down the members of Vici Gaming.

Despite falling behind early, OMG managed to keep the gold lead even for the most part of the match. Vici was finally able to gain an advantage when Cool made a desperate attempt to keep them off of OMG's second tier mid lane turret, using his Flash and his Emperors Divide in the process.

This led to a baron for Vici Gaming, which allowed them to rotate to take a turret, obtain map pressure, and get their fourth dragon. This finally broke the gold stalemate, albeit by a just a couple thousand.

The last straw for OMG was a teamfight in mid lane which Vici Gaming won convincingly. Four members of OMG went down while Vici Gaming came out unscathed. JueJue's Nidalee was the last man standing for OMG and although he did what he could to stave off the members of Vici Gaming, his spears weren't enough to keep Vici Gaming from taking the nexus.

Monday, May 18, 2015

A brave new world

By Helmight,

Riot's balance team doesn't get nearly enough credit. Part of this is because they're so easy to scapegoat ("how DARE they nerf my main!!!1!"), but part of it is that literally everyone that plays this game thinks they're a better designer. I can't count the number of threads I see on the Boards screaming for Riven nerfs, Zed nerfs, Sejuani nerfs, even Fiora nerfs of all things. And every single poster and commenter on these threads has an unspoken assumption: I know better than Riot's balance team about this champion.

But regardless of the perceived state of balance, the ACTUAL balance is currently phenomenal. Gone are the Season 3 days of the League of Assassins. Gone are the godlike Season 4 siege comps. Gone too are the days of Lee Sin/Evelynn/Elise dominance of the jungle. Instead, what we have is perhaps the widest variety of viable champions since Season 2.

Like playing Lee Sin jungle? Still good. Like tanky junglers like Sejuani and Zac? Equally as viable as the Blind Monk. Like to play assassins mid? Okay. How about mages? Also good. How about AD mids like Ezreal? Let's do it. I mean, for cripe's sake, Urgot and Nautilus are viable champions now. If that isn't a sign of excellent balance, I don't know what is.

And this doesn't even count champions that are good, just underpicked. Remember, the professionals tend to overfocus on a handful of champions because they can't just be passably good with them - they have to be the best. This means that pros have a pool of about 4 champions - MAYBE 5 - that they play on a regular basis. It's no wonder, therefore, that a lot of champions with high winrates are never seen in competitive play. Vel'Koz and Olaf spring to mind, for example.

Now, balance isn't perfect - in fact, I'd surprised if it EVER was. Not every champion will see the LCS, and only slightly more will see play as a  niche pick. That's just the way these games work. If everyone was viable, they'd all be basically the same champion. But there's no doubt that the current state of affairs is much better than everyone gives Riot credit for.

So next time you're thinking of complaining to Riot about the current meta, stop and take a look at the actual game environment. It just might surprise you. 

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Champion and Skin Sale: 4/24 - 4/27

By Helmight

A new sale starts tomorrow! For the next three days, you can pick up Vindicator Vayne, Runeborn Xerath, Guerilla Tristana, Nasus, Kog'Maw, and Azir for 50% off their regular RP prices. Continue reading for a look at the discounted content and their sale prices!

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Champion and Skin Sale: 4/17 - 4/20

 By Helmight

A new sale starts tomorrow! For the next three days, you can pick up Blood Knight Hecarim, Arctic Ops Varus, Spooky Gangplank, Syndra, Leona, and Anivia for 50% off their regular RP prices. Continue reading for a look at the discounted content and their sale prices!

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Monday, April 13, 2015

Free-To-Play Rotation: 4/14 - 4/21

By Helmight

The new free-to-play champions have just been announced! For the next week, the following ten champions will be available for everyone:  Annie, Azir, Dr. Mundo, Ezreal, Gangplank, Gnar, Rek'Sai, Sivir, Vel'Koz, and Zilean. Continue reading for a closer look at these champions, in addition to their regular store prices!

Champion and Skin Sale: 4/14 - 4/17

By Helmight

A new sale starts tomorrow! For the next 3 days, you can pick up Blood Knight Hecarim, Arctic Ops Varus, Spooky Gangplank, Syndra, Leona, and Anivia for 50% off their regular RP prices. Continue reading for a look at the discounted content and their sale prices!