Wednesday, February 4, 2015

A Summoner has reconnected

Hey y'all, Helmight here.

I'm sure you've noticed the downtime on the blog. That's been mostly because of the offseason, but I've also been dealing with a much busier schedule than usual. That being said, I think I finally have enough time to resume writing articles for Grab the Lantern - with a few changes. The Game of the Day articles will now be split between myself and Jujubez. We'll also be working to bring you daily content centered around all things League of Legends, including more coverage of LCS events, PBE updates, skin sales, and more.

Here's to a new start for Grab the Lantern! Hope you guys enjoy your stay.

1 comment:

  1. Hey! Glad you're back. Looking forward to some new content.

    The big question: does jujubez actually exist and will he ever write an article! ;)
