Tuesday, March 4, 2014


     Ever since the pre-season vision changes, the traditional “ward wars” have changed substantially. One of the major changes was made to pink wards, which allows them to exist on the field permanently, but also makes them visible. Since they have the possibility to last forever now, the only thing that can prevent them from doing their job is you.

     It simply amazes me that after nearly three months now of watching professional league and playing solo queue, people still don't understand that you have to constantly check the brush for pinks. Of particular note are those small, pesky lone bushes on both sides of the river. These are by far the most common spots to place pinks, and yet people always seem to avoid checking them. Maybe it’s the reputation that they have – too many teams use them to stage ambushes - but since vision is a super important part of League I cannot stress hard enough how vital it is to check them.

     To be completely honest, it’s not very hard to do. All it takes is training yourself to walk through any bushes you come across when you're roaming, rotating, or preparing to take dragon or Baron. If there is in fact a pink in the bush, you can immediately clear it and deprive your opponent of vision. Clearly though, you’ll need to be safe about it – if the enemy team is rotating to stop you, it’s not the best time to clear the ward. Even if you don’t kill it though, you've still gained valuable information about that particular area of the map and can clear the vision ward at a later time.

     In short, checking the brush is immensely important in keeping vision under your team’s control and it’s not hard to do at all. So please: check your bushes.

                 - Jujubez

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