Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Let's Play Bard: First Impressions

By Helmight

 Welcome back to another Let's Play article, this time featuring Bard - the League's newest addition. Though the Wandering Caretaker is a rare sight on the Rift, I was able to play enough games with and as him to get a sense for how he plays out. Under the break are my thoughts on the champion - keep reading to take a look!

Playing with Bard

Without a doubt, Bard had one of the most unusual styles of play. He heavily favors passive lanes, since they give him plenty of time to head out and collect chimes while his ADC last hits under tower. Caretaker's Shrine keeps his ADC safe, while Magical Journey gets him to and from lane quickly.

However, knowing when to roam is crucial. The first Bard I played with spent most of his time in lane with me, choosing to gimp his scaling potential to help me survive. Though I appreciated the effort, I couldn't help but feel as though Bard could have been roaming more than he was. Collecting chimes to empower your meeps is vital for Bard's continued success, and if we hadn't have won the game as hard as we did I'm not sure Bard would have continued to be relevant.

Generally, you're looking to play safe when a Bard is at your side. Give him time to collect chimes by either shoving the wave to the enemy tower, or letting it crash into yours. Against a low-threat lane like Janna/Tristana, you can last hit safely while Bard travels the map. My go-to pick for playing with Bard was Sivir, but I could see Caitlyn and Graves as good partners as well. 

Playing as Bard

Though we ended up losing my first game with Bard, the laning phase went excellently for us due to the low kill threat that Graves and Soraka brought. While Sivir went about her business with the minions, I was able to leave lane, grab chimes, and help out mid.

I was also surprised at how effectively Bard was able to trade in lane. While his Q takes some getting used to, the bonus damage he gets from meep-empowered attacks is nothing to scoff at, and the cooldown on it is relatively low. Against a more aggressive lane, like the one I encountered in my second game with Bard, I was able to poke down Leona and Graves pretty effectively with just autoattacks.

Magical Journey meanwhile is one of the most fun abilities I've seen in a long while. Though my allies rarely had a chance to travel through the tunnels, I made full use of the ability to traverse long distances to grab chimes and get deep wards set up. The cooldown is relatively long, but between it, Boots of Mobility and the movement bonus from chimes, I was able to make quick roams and get back to lane safely.

The most difficult-to-use part of Bard's kit is definitely his ultimate. Tempered Fate has a lot of uses, but remembering them all - and using them properly - takes a lot of practice. While most supports throw down their ultimates in the middle of fights, Bard is better off using his to start or end a skirmish. Dropping the ability in the middle of a fight generally seemed to screw my team, especially since I'd stun about half of them along with the enemies. It definitely has power, but coordination with your allies is key.

Playing against Bard

I honestly haven't had a chance to play against a Bard yet. He's awfully unpopular right now, probably due to his strange playstyle. However, I would generally try to pick an aggressive lane into Bard - something like Leona and Lucian. If Bard stays in lane, he forfeits a good deal of his power and doesn't bring too much to the table.


Overall, I feel as though Bard is in a good spot, but perhaps a bit weak at the moment. The buffs coming up for him in patch 5.6 will certainly help out, but mostly I feel as though Bard requires a lot of coordination with both his ADC and his team. Firing up Skype or Curse Voice is recommended when it comes to playing Bard - either that, or making ample use of the ping system. Without considering his viability though, I thought Bard was an absolute blast to play and am looking forward to spending more time with the Wandering Caretaker.

Have you had a chance to play with or against Bard? Let us know how it went in the comment section below!

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